Generator License

As per the requirements under the Electricity Act, it is mandatory for every owner of the premises to obtain a generator license from the electrical inspector before the commencement of the generator installation process. Tamil Nadu Electrical Inspectorate (TNEI) Department will issue the approval in order to verify the conformity of the required technical standards for commissioning the installation

Stages Involved in Generator Installation:

The following stages of compliance are involved in the commissioning of generator installation:

  • Obtaining Load Sanction from the TANGEDCO.
  • Obtaining a No objection certificate from TANGEDCO, if the proposal involves paralleling of the Generator set with TANGEDCO’S grid.
  • Obtaining the Electrical Inspectorate’s approval for the drawing proposal.
  • Erection and Completion of the Electrical Works based on the drawings approved by the Electrical Inspectorate.
  • Submission of Completion Report for works completed.
  • Rectification of defects pointed out after the inspection and submission of rectification report
  • Commissioning and Reporting.
  • Additions and Alterations to the existing installations.

According to the Indian Electricity Rules, the following are some of the installation types:

S.No Voltage Class Maximum voltage under normal condition Variations allowed
1. Low Voltage (LV) 250 voltage -6% to +6%
2. Medium Voltage (MV) 650 voltage -6% to +6%
3. High Voltage (HV) 33,000 voltage -9% to +6%
4. Extra-High Voltage (EHV) above 33,000 voltage 12.5% to +10%
The following are the documents required for EHV and HV generator installation:
  • An authorization letter collected from the consumer authorizing the contractor to correspond with the Electrical Inspectorate.
  • The drawings should be signed by both the consumer and the Electrical Contractor who performs the installation work.

In addition to the above, the applicant has to submit the documents if required from the (TNEI) Board.

The following are the authority will inspect and approve the installation process:

S.No Voltage Concerned Authority
1. Up to 630 kVA Electrical Inspector
2. 630 – 2500 kVA Senior Electrical Inspector
3. Above 2500 kVA Chief Electrical Inspector to the Government
The following are the documents required for Medium Voltage (MV) generator installation:
  • Electrical Contractor’s Completion report duly filled in the prescribed form.
  • List of Equipment erected with complete details of the engine, generator, control panel, cable, change over the arrangement, etc.,
  • Copy of purchase bill for the generator.
  • No objection Certificate from the premises owner if the EB service connection is not in the name of the applicant.
  • Photocopy of EB meter card.
  • Original remittance challan for the Inspection fees paid to a Government.

Processing Fee

The fees in respect of testing and inspection vary based on the equipment and will be notified by the Tamil Nadu Government from time to time.

Processing Time

The entire process will be completed, and the concerned authority of TNEI will approve the installation within five working days from the day of submission of the application.